Don't get me wrong...I like the fitted shirts and skinny jeans on some men. The truth is that it doesn't look great on everyone. He went on to say that he needed to go shopping to upgrade his wardrobe. Me being a shopaholic, was very excited about this and volunteered to help. Naturally, he laughed and said no thanks. Though the blissful thoughts of stores, sales and shopping were quickly shot down and rejected by my friend, it got me to thinking about how men (straight men in particular) need help when it comes to shopping. defines the metrosexual as:
A heterosexual male who has a strong aesthetic sense and inordinate interest in appearance and style, similar to that of homosexual males.
I am going to give tips and advice to all of the men that are a bit clueless, yet intrigued by the possibilities of standing out, staying fashion forward and becoming a certified metrosexual.
Skin, Hair and Overall Maintenance
Most men tend to stick to their old, simple, go-to products without knowing that there are tons of wonderful options out there. Believe it or not gentleman, there are products specifically made for you. From face cleansers, scrubs, moisturizers, toners, eye creams, lip balms, shower gels, lotions, even anti-aging solutions to your typical shave gel and aftershave. Here's a few brands that you can try:I know these next suggestions will make some of you uneasy, but please trust me. Most women like a well-groomed, kempt man. This means try getting regular haircuts, facials, manicures, pedicures, waxed and yes your eyebrows trimmed (not arched, unless you're into that). If a girl is anything like me, she prefers her man to have minimal hair; clear, smooth skin; no bushy, unibrow; and clean, trimmed nails.
Personal Style
It is important that you develop your own personal sense of style. Don't just buy something because you saw someone else with it on or wear something because your girlfriend, wife or mother bought it and you secretly hate it. You should feel comfortable in clothes. You should feel good about putting it on. Pick a look that you feel is "you" and go from there. Start by reading "5 Tips To Improve Your Fashion Style" on AskMen.Com. Also, it's a good idea to pick up a few magazines like: GQ and Men's Vogue.
There is an unfair reality that women can find better bargains in clothing, shoes and accessories without compromising quality than men can. However, please realize that in order to look your very best, it is important to get well made, quality items. And there are a few stores that you can go to without breaking the bank. Now that you know about developing personal style, here's a few stores and items that will help you achieve the look:
Department Stores: Nordstrom, Bloomingdale's, Macy's and Saks
Discount stores: TJ Maxx, Marshall's, Filene's Basement and Nordstrom Rack
Chain Stores: H&M, Zara and Express
Online Stores:,, and
Essential items that every man should have:

2. Signature Scent: Women aren't the only ones that have signature scents. It is important that men find their signature scent as well. Women are turned on by certain colognes and they create long lasting impressions on us. It gives us that warm, fuzzy feeling whenever we smell your cologne. For more tips, read "How To: Find Your Signature Scent" on
3. Man Bag: I know what you're thinking: "I'm a man, I don't carry a purse". But, this isn't a purse...well ok it's a "purse" for men. It's a substitute for the bulky, old school briefcase and more chic than a backpack. Most man bags are Messenger bags, Satchels or Lap-top bags. Face it, you need something to store and organize your phone, laptop, iPad, iPod, wallet, keys and any other daily necessities.
4. Accessories, Accessories, Accessories: To me, this is one of the most essential things when it comes to style, whether you're a man or a woman. Most men don't know the importance of having that something extra to make an outfit go from 10 to 100. Granted that men have less to work with when it comes to accessories, but hey work with what you have and be creative. Scarves, sunglasses, hats (not baseball caps), gloves, belts, cuff links and ties can work wonders for a basic shirt, jeans, or slacks. Also, try to expand your wardrobe to things like vests, layering items, different types of shoes (not just sneakers) or as my friend calls them: In-between shoes.
5. Last but not least, CONFIDENCE: Without confidence or Swag, none of the above mentioned things or this entire blog post will matter. It is up to you to pull off these things with ease. You must be comfortable in wearing each item and trying the products. Read, research and ask for help if you're unsure where to start. Just by reading this, you are well on your way. Good Luck!!
iT Girl Forever
I LOVE this article!!! Have to forward this to the Hubby. He'll get a kick out of it!!! So true about the signature scent. Men definitely need one too. Can't disclose Sid's, he would kill me, but he does have one. Good read, as always!!! Kudus iTGirl!! :)
iT Girl you are really impressive. Tackling the "Male Arena" is quite a difficult area considering that males in general tend to be a little limited in personal style and expression. From skincare to accessories, you really give the fellas something special to look forward to this Summer and literally for the seasons to come....A FLAWLESS LOOK. "A man that possesses true style and grace, is an irreplaceable man indeed" - RL Fox
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